Velveteen Echo performs at White Oak Music Hall. (Lilah Gaber)
Velveteen Echo performs at White Oak Music Hall.

Lilah Gaber

Velveteen Echo records first EP

August 30, 2018

When I covered the In Bloom Music Festival last spring, I had the opportunity to sit down and chat with a few local bands about their experiences in music, specifically the Houston music scene. One of the bands I talked to, Velveteen Echo, had just released their first extended play, “Submarine.” I, along with two friends, had the pleasure of attending their record release show that included a lineup of them and three other Houston bands: Tears on Tape, Rose Ette and Pearl Crush. Velveteen Echo put on a captivating show, complete with Lauren Massa’s amazing mod style, dreamy tunes and plenty of balloons. I got to dance my heart out and might have taken a couple of the balloons home, but most of all I was reminded of how talented and passionate this group of people is.

In honor of the release of their first record, here is a look into my conversation with Massa, Jake Villarreal and Grant Loomis of Velveteen Echo from March.

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About the Contributor
Photo of Lilah Gaber
Lilah Gaber, Assignments Editor

Lilah Gaber is an assignments editor. She is a senior, and this is her third year on The Review.

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