The official student newspaper of St. John's School.

Leila Pulaski

Mia Fares

Nickname: Mia

Dream Job: SCOTUS

Favorite Spot on Campus: Plaza (on a nice day) or the Review room

Weird Hobby: Boxing

Quirk: Eating lemons with salt

Theme Song: “Legend” by Drake

Patronus: Not sure what this is

Love to Hate: Taylor Swift

Hate to Love: Big Bang Theory

Relationship Status: Lol

Red Carpet Date: Jake Gyllenhaal

Phobia: The motors on the back of boats

Doppelgänger: Tina from Bob’s Burgers

Known for: Always having food

Book: Eat Pray Love

Zodiac Sign: Right between Aries and Taurus (I like to choose)

Slogan: You don’t have to prove anything to anybody besides yourself

Allergies: None

Follow Me?: @miafares 🙂

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