Josh Wilson
Dream Job: Singer/actor/entertainer/stand-up comedian
Nickname: J
Favorite Spot on Campus: Owsley Court
Weird Hobby: Watching crime shows is a competitive sport
Quirk: Humming
Theme Song: “Walk it Talk it” by Migos
Patronus: Huh?
Love to Hate: Kevin Durant
Hate to Love: Cardi B
Relationship Status: Single and looking…
Red Carpet Date: Zendaya Coleman
Phobia: Alligators
Doppelgänger: Brian Courtney Wilson
Known for: Singing
Book: Green Eggs and Ham
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Slogan: Hope Dealer
Allergies: Pollen…
Follow Me?: Follow me on da gram: Joshua.Wilson2002
About the Photographer

Claire Seinsheimer, Photo Editor
Claire Seinsheimer is a senior, and this is her third year on The Review.