Kantorei plans to uphold annual caroling tradition on campus
Courtesy of SJS Fine Arts Smugmug
Kantorei carols under the archway between the Great Lawn and Plaza after last year’s Candlelight service.
December 14, 2020
On Tuesday, Dec. 15, Kantorei members will carol under the archway between the Great Lawn and the Plaza. Kantorei president Jenny Green will direct the socially-distanced choir through carols during the lunch periods.
Because Kantorei consists of nearly 40 members, Green, a senior, divided the choir in half so that the groups of singers will be manageable and will not affect traffic. Each group will perform during either the underclassmen or upperclassmen lunch period.
As president, Green looks forward to stepping out of her role as a Soprano I to conduct Kantorei.
“Everyone in Kantorei is really great at working together and listening to each other, so it’s super fun to get to step out of my role as a member of the choir and see Kantorei from the outside,” Green said.
Kantorei traditionally carols after the annual Candlelight service, during the school day at lunch and Texas Children’s Hospital. This year, Kantorei recorded a caroling video to send to Texas Children’s Hospital in place of in-person caroling.
For Kantorei member and junior Romit Kundagrami, the tradition is important because it celebrates the joy of the holiday season.
“Caroling is this staple and tradition that we have to modify,” Kundagrami said, “but it’s still something we’re going to do, and it’s still something that we’re going to have fun with.”