The official student newspaper of St. John's School.

Curtis Donovan

Nickname: CurtyDOnDaPhone; Curtis “The Dominator” Donovan
Dream Job: Cheez-It taste-tester
Favorite Spot on Campus: Bathroom, BIGGGGG bathroom guy
Weird Hobby: exiting in the first round of all SAC competitions after practicing the whole week before
Quirk: I create a new phrase every other week and incredibly overuse it
Theme Song: “Pretty Boy Swag” – Soulja Boy
Patronus: 2-year-old buckwheat grass from the swamps in Florida
Love to Hate: you know who you are…
Hate to Love: doing simple addition in my head and thinking my IQ is through the roof
Relationship Status: single, but don’t tell my girlfriend…
Red Carpet Date: Margot. Robbie.
Phobia: the man in the car on 64th street in New York that excessively quacked at me as if he was a duck until I dropped my bread to him and he pecked it off the sidewalk
Doppelgänger: I’ve been told I look similar to one of the main 2 “21 Jump Street” actors, Channing Tatum or Jonah Hill, I’ll let you decide which one (Hint: Also in “22 Jump Street”)
Known for: severe bed head
Book: “Paws Off, Cheddarface!” – Geronimo Stilton
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Slogan: “Real G’s move in silence like lasagna” – Weezy
Allergies: losing… and kiwi, please don’t bring kiwi near me
Follow Me?: @[email protected] (Google+)

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