Day in the Life of a “Curtains” ensemble member
February 24, 2017
Sophomore Sophia Kontos:
6:30 am: Wake up. I curl into a ball under my sheets to hide from getting up.
6:35 am: I resign myself to waking up and crawl out of bed into the bathroom.
6:40-7:00: I wipe at the makeup residue on my face, then, blast music during breakfast to avoid falling asleep.
7:15: I get to school less than nine hours after leaving the VST the night before.
7:20-8:15: I spend the Ensemble period trying to sleep on every possible surface: a bench, the floor, my history textbook.
8:30am-1:00pm: I travel aimlessly through my classes, while explaining my lack of alertness to my teachers and simultaneously promoting “Curtains.”
1:00-1:30: I savor the way too short lunch break.
1:30-2:30: I go to more classes that I nearly fall asleep in.
2:30-3:30: I take a much needed nap on the Great Lawn, while listening to Lower School students ask, “Why is she sleeping?” In my head, I mumble that I was at school until 10:30 last night, so I’m rightfully exhausted. In reality, I just go back to sleep.
3:45-4:25: I eat dinner in the VST lobby. I pick up a “backstage care package,” filled with cough drops, fuzzy socks, a bandana, tea bags and lots of candy.
4:30-4:50: We run the curtain call of the show. When I step onto the platform, I nearly fall off as it rolls away.
Sophomore Maggie Ballard:
5:00 PM: Get hair and makeup done with my algebra teacher (Ms. Fogler) and practically beg her to not make me take a test during tech week. She agreed.
5:05 PM: First costume!!
5:10 PM: Curl people’s hair as fast as I can before having to get my own hair done.
6:00 PM: Sprint down the steps in order to do scary mic checks on stage.
7:30 PM: Another costume change.
7:45 PM: Dang it I hit my leg on the platform!
8:00 PM: Aaand another costume change.
8:45 PM: Remind myself to cover my ears for the gunshot.
8:50 PM: Forget to cover ears for other gun shot.
9:10 PM: Watch sophomore Gray Watson and 20 other dancers sprinting around backstage to do their costume changes before they have to go on again.
9:45 PM: Almost fall off the platform in the last number and wonder why there are so many platforms in this show.
10:00 PM: Pull 20 bobby pins out of my hair.
10:15 PM: Lug my fifty pound bags outside and sing “In the Same Boat” all the way home.
10:30 PM: Inhale some fruit in an attempt to stay at least a little bit healthy during tech week.
12:00 AM: Finally fall asleep after doing very little homework but promising myself I’ll do it tomorrow during rehearsal (which I most definitely won’t be able to do).