Kristin Ankoma-Sey
Kristin Ankoma-Sey
Kristin Ankoma-Sey
Nickname: Kris
Next Netflix Binge: “White Collar”
Comfort Food: mac and cheese
Dream job: food critic
Favorite spot on campus: plaza
Weird Hobby: gardening
Quirk: cracking my knuckles
Favorite Word: flambé
Favorite Animal: Elephant
Song to Describe your life:
Love to Hate: the rain
Hate to Love: the Kardashians
Relationship Status: single
Celebrity You’d Want to Meet:
Olympic Sport: gymnastics
Dream Date: Michael B. Jordan
Phobia: cockroaches
Doppelganger: Reygan Jones
Known for: raising my eyebrows
Book: “Half of a Yellow Sun”
Movie: “She’s the Man”
Follow us: will do!