Shomik Ghose
Shomik Ghose
Shomik Ghose
Nickname: Ghosebuster
Next Netflix Binge: “Stranger Things”
Comfort Food: Pizza
Dream job: CEO of Google
Favorite spot on campus: Quad
Weird Hobby: Rehearsing SAC speeches in the shower
Quirk: Wanting to win
Favorite Word: Win
Favorite Animal: N/A
Song to Describe your life: “Lose Yourself” by Eminem
Love to Hate: Food Network
Hate to Love: Summer
Relationship Status: Single
Celebrity You’d Want to Meet: Leonardo diCaprio
Olympic Sport: Swimming
Dream Date: That’s a secret
Phobia: Spiders
Doppelganger: Every other Indian kid
Known for: Building good catapults
Book: “Frankenstein”
Movie: “The Godfather”
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