The official student newspaper of St. John's School.

Grace Sanders

Prithvi Krishnarao

Prithvi Krishnarao

Prithvi Krishnarao

Nickname: Frisbee

Next Netflix Binge: “The Office”

Comfort Food: Cereal (Honey Bunches and Oats)

Dream job: Be Both a Basketball Player and Rapper (Lonzo Ball, but better)

Favorite spot on campus: Review Room

Weird Hobby: Play frisbee every free second I have

Quirk: Randomly playing rap songs in class

Favorite Word: Rendezvous

Favorite Animal: Pupper

Song to Describe your life: “All We Got” by Chance the Rapper

Love to Hate: Papaya (that stuff is so nasty)

Hate to Love: Golden State Warriors

Relationship Status: Single

Celebrity You’d Want to Meet: Chance the Rapper

Olympic Sport: Ultimate Frisbee

Dream Date: Michelle Obama

Phobia: Cockroaches

Doppelganger: Chance the Rapper

Known for: Breaking a lamp with a frisbee

Book: “Harry Potter”

Movie: “The Blind Side”

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