David Seo
David Seo
David Seo
Nickname: Davíd
Next Netflix Binge: “The Great British Baking Show”
Comfort Food: Ramen
Dream job: NBA GM
Favorite spot on campus: That bench next to the Physics rooms
Weird Hobby: The Grind
Quirk: Everything
Favorite Word: Absolutely
Favorite Animal: Sloth
Song to Describe your life: “God’s Plan” by Drake
Love to Hate: Andy Duong
Hate to Love: Andy Duong
Relationship Status: Single
Celebrity You’d Want to Meet: Lebron James
Olympic Sport: Lacrosse (soon)
Dream Date: Rockets-Warriors Game 7
Phobia: Wasps
Doppelganger: Benny He
Known for: Shaking people’s hands
Book: “Their Eyes Were Watching God”
Movie: “The Dark Knight”
Follow us: I’ll see what I can do