The official student newspaper of St. John's School.

Grace Sanders

Sebastian Varma

Sebastian Varma

Sebastian Varma

Nickname: Seabass

Next Netflix Binge: “The Office” (again)

Comfort Food: BBQ

Dream job: Google Engineer

Favorite spot on campus: Raulston’s room

Weird Hobby: Reading about traffic intersections

Quirk: Always hyper

Favorite Word: Quintessential

Favorite Animal: Dog

Song to Describe your life: Sunday Morning

Love to Hate: Awful pop music

Hate to Love: Awful pop music

Relationship Status: Single

Celebrity You’d Want to Meet: Cedric Villani

Olympic Sport: Swimming

Dream Date: Emma Stone

Phobia: Not getting enough sleep

Doppelganger: None (Can’t think of any other Indian-Colombians)

Known for: Theatre

Book: “Foundation” by Isaac Asimov

Movie: “Jurassic Park”

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