Mission Statement
The Review strives to report on issues with integrity, recognize the efforts of all and promote discourse within the St. John’s community.
About the Online
The online component of The Review was established in fall 2011 as a means of disseminating information quickly and converging with the print editions. We endeavor to inform the community in innovative and interactive ways. Unless specified as otherwise, all content is online-exclusive.
Submission Guidelines
The Review Online provides a form for student writing and opinion. The opinions and staff editorials contained herein do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Headmaster or the Board of Trustees of St. John’s School. Staff editorials represent the opinion of the entire editorial board. Letters to the editor and guest columnists are encouraged but are subject to editing for reasons of clarity, space, accuracy and good taste. On occasion, we will publish letters without a name, provided the editor knows the author’s identity. The Review reserves the right not to print letters received or advertisements. Either email letters and guest columns to review.sjs@gmail.com; give them to Eshna Das, Aila Jiang, Aien Du or David Nathan in the Review Room (Q201); or mail letters to The Review, 2401 Claremont Ln., Houston, TX 77019.
Comments Policy
As an engine of discourse in the St. John’s community, The Review Online encourages readers to comment with their thoughts and opinions. However, comments are expected to adhere to the St. John’s tenets of “dignity and good taste.” As such, we do not permit the use of profanity, foul language, personal attacks, or the use of language that might be interpreted as libelous. Comments are reviewed and must be approved by a moderator to ensure that they meet these standards. The Review requires a valid email address, which will not be displayed but will be used to confirm comments.
Corrections Policy
The Review Online always seeks to publish corrections and clarifications as soon as they come to our attention. All readers are welcome to submit corrections by leaving a comment or emailing edas@sjs.org, adu26@sjs.org or ajiang26@sjs.org. Any correction to story content will be recorded on the post.
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