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The official student newspaper of St. John's School.

The Review

The official student newspaper of St. John's School.

The Review

The official student newspaper of St. John's School.

The Review

Wayt is a mobile app designed to optimize communications between businesses and customers.

Senior creates mobile app, wins annual Congressional App Challenge

Arjun Maitra, Staff Writer February 9, 2021
Senior Ethan Saadia won the annual Congressional App Challenge for Texas’s 7th Congressional District for developing Wayt, a mobile app designed to optimize communications between businesses and customers.
Juniors Julia Smith, Ethan Kinsella and Rahul Rupani dance for a TikTok.

Rise of TikTok: Upper School students adopt trends on social media platform

Bailey Maierson, Staff Writer December 11, 2019
TikTok offers a platform for users to post and view short clips from others, and it's affecting SJS culture.
The ServeUp app helps students record their hours and notifies them of upcoming service projects.

New app helps students access volunteer opportunities

Celine Huang, Staff Writer October 13, 2018
Seniors Sebastian Varma, Ishan Kamat and Matthew Giordano released ServeUp, a free community service app, on Sept. 27.
Sophomore Ethan Saadia designed Mav World, an augmented reality app depicting campus buildings surrounding the Great Lawn.

Sophomore programs SJS augmented reality app

Celine Huang, Staff Writer October 3, 2018
Sophomore Ethan Saadia created Mav World, an augmented reality app that allows users to tour the SJS campus online.
Students choose one of four friends to send each compliment to.

TBH app spreads positivity with anonymous compliments

SJ Lasley, Staff Writer October 8, 2017
The app "TBH" allows students to give their friends anonymous compliments.

Vine shutdown removes student platform

Sophia Kontos, Staff Writer February 1, 2017
Twitter's shutdown of popular video-sharing app Vine impacted many students, who liked the platform for its conciseness and broad range of subject matter.
QuizUp awards titles to players based on the number of points they acquire. Senior Jeffrey Fastow has earned the title “Captain of the Pequod,” a reference to the novel “Moby Dick.”

Students test knowledge outside classroom with app

Cara Maines, Assistant Online Editor March 10, 2014
With categories ranging from Periodic Table to Celebrity News, trivia app QuizUp has garnered many devotees, especially among members of the quiz bowl team.
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The official student newspaper of St. John's School.