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The official student newspaper of St. John's School.

The Review

The official student newspaper of St. John's School.

The Review

The official student newspaper of St. John's School.

The Review

Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher takes a photo with politically engaged SJS students in the atrium.

Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher speaks to St. John’s students

Lauren Baker, Print Copy Editor November 18, 2022
On Nov. 4, Lizzie Fletcher came to St. John's and spoke to students about her road to becoming a congresswoman.
To be more inclusive of all female-identifying members of the St. John’s community, WHEE updated its mission statement on its website and changed “women” to “womxn.”

WHEE focuses on inclusivity, supporting womxn online

Natasha Janssens, Staff Writer October 22, 2020
Womxn Helping Empower Each Other developed a podcast, website and newsletter to support womxn and foster a sense of community.
In their first Summer Series forum, Unity Council representatives focused on the origins of the Black Lives Matter Movement and why "All Lives Matter" is an inappropriate response.

Unity Council addresses social justice issues in Summer Series

Max Beard, Copy Editor September 11, 2020
Over the summer, Unity Council hosted a series of four forums that addressed "All Lives Matter,” performative wokeness, white fragility and systemic racism.
On Feb. 18, Congresswoman Lizzie Pannill Fletcher ('93) spoke to members of SPEC and WHEE about her work on the House Science, Space and Technology Committee.

Congresswoman Lizzie Pannill Fletcher (’93) speaks to SPEC, WHEE

Bailey Maierson, Staff Writer March 9, 2020
On Feb. 18, Congresswoman Lizzie Pannill Fletcher ('93) spoke to members of SPEC and WHEE about her work on the House Science, Space and Technology Committee.
Several members of WHEE attended the Women's March on Jan. 25.

WHEE members prepare signs, attend the Women’s March

Wilson Bailey and Noelle Alexander February 28, 2020
WHEE members decorated signs for the Women's March to City Hall on Jan. 25, which featured speakers advocating for causes such as sexual assault prevention, climate change awareness and gender equality in the workplace.
Erin Mincberg addresses students in the Chao Room.

Lizzie Pannill Fletcher’s campaign manager speaks to SPEC, WHEE

Rahul Rupani and Lucy Haire February 10, 2019
On Jan. 15, Lizzie Pannill Fletcher's campaign manager, Erin Mincberg, visited St. John's.
WHEE hosts women's health forum, promotes sex ed

WHEE hosts women’s health forum, promotes sex ed

Ella West, Staff Writer October 29, 2018
On Oct. 19, WHEE brought guest speaker Hillary Boswell to a women's health forum to talk about a lack of sex ed.
WHEE leaders Schuyler Gustafson ('18) and Katie Smith ('18) helped organize the sexual assault forum.

Unity Council and WHEE host forum on sexual assault

Noura Jabir, Laney Chang, and Abigail Poag April 28, 2018
On April 19, Unity Council and WHEE hosted a forum where students could discuss power dynamics and sexual assault.
Lizzie Fletcher talks with students after her presentation.

Lizzie Fletcher (’93) speaks to WHEE about running for Congress as a woman

Mehak Batra and Sophie Gillard December 15, 2017
Alum Lizzie Pannill Fletcher came to speak to WHEE on Dec. 1 about her experience running for Congress as a woman.
Stott poses with chemistry teacher Sarwat Jafry. Stott and Jafry are united by their love of science.

Shoot for the moon: astronaut advises, recounts experiences

Cara Maines, Assistant Online Editor February 25, 2014
Astronaut Nicole Passono Stott spoke at a joint-Science and Math Club (SAMC) and Women Helping Empower Each Other (WHEE) meeting Feb. 7.
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The official student newspaper of St. John's School.